Cape Lookout | South Carolina Aquarium

Cape Lookout

Dec 13

Cape Lookout

green (Chelonia mydas)

Stranding Location: Carteret County, NC

Arrival Date: 12/13/2010

Age: juvenile

Weight: 3.84 kg (8.5 lb)

Case History

In an effort to help North Carolina facilities overwhelmed by a large number of cold-stunned sea turtles that stranded in early December, nine sea turtles were transferred to the SCA’s Sea Turtle Hospital on 13 December 2010. Cape Lookout, a juvenile weighing 2.68 kg, is one of seven greens received from NC.


Cape Lookout arrived slightly dehydrated and with minor skin abrasions on the soft tissues of her flippers. In addition to antibiotics, this little turtle received fluids, vitamin B complex, a calcium gluconate injection, blood work, and radiographs. S/he began eating for us on 17 December and has been recovering well since then.

Release Date


Release Location

Beachwalker County Park, Kiawah, SC

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