Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii)
Stranding Location: Myrtle Beach State Park, SC
Arrival Date: 07/10/2012
Age: juvenile
Weight: 2.7 kg (6 lb.)
Case History
This little 2.7 kg (6 lb.) Kemp’s ridley was caught by a recreational fisherman on hook-and-line at Myrtle Beach State Park on 10 July 2012. The fisherman who caught this turtle, named Hook, did a fantastic job of netting the turtle out of the water and leaving the leader attached. Myrtle Beach State Park Rangers and the SCDNR coordinated transport of this turtle to our hospital.
Hook’s physical condition upon arrival was excellent, with the obvious exception of the hook ensnared in the esophagus. Initial blood work was good (PCV 25%, TS 2.6) and didn’t reveal excessive stress from the encounter with the fishing hook. Luckily, we were able to remove the hook non-surgically using a mild sedative, a bite block, and a couple of tools. This will drastically reduce Hook’s stay in our hospital, which is great news! Hook is on antibiotics and is enjoying a large filtered tank in our hospital.
3 September 2012: Hook has recovered quickly and is being considered for release sometime this year. Stay tuned!
16 September 2012: Hook has been cleared for release! Details are yet to be determined, so keep checking our website.
Release Date
Release Location
Beachwalker County Park, Kiawah, SC