loggerhead (Caretta caretta)
Stranding Location: RV Lady Lisa, SCDNR research vessel outside of Dewees Island
Arrival Date: 05/28/2013
Age: juvenile
Weight: 30.8 kg
Case History
Splinter was caught on board the SCDNR research vessel, the Lady Lisa right off of Dewees Inlet with what appeared to be a wooden splinter through the right rear flipper.
Upon arrival, a physical exam was performed to better assess Splinter’s wound. The exam showed no active bleeding but there was severe inflammation to the stifle (knee). Blood work (PCV 21-24%, TS 2.6) was not ideal but stable. Antibiotics and localized pain meds were administered and Splinter was able to go directly into a tank.
29 May 2013: Surgery to remove the foreign body was successfully performed by our vet Dr. Boylan, with little to no bleeding! After taking a closer look, we believe the object is actually a bill from a swordfish! We are still trying to find out how this could have happened!
29 June 2013: Splinter is recovering well, and showing his feisty side! We are keeping a close eye on his healing wound and flushing it daily!
22 July 2013: Splinter’s wound has healed tremendously well, and is almost completely closed off! Due to the quick turnaround and excellent appetite, Splinter has been medically cleared for release!
Release Date
Release Location
Isle of Palms County Park, SC