Citizen Science

Make a difference by contributing to the study of local environmental issues like plastic pollution, sea level rise, sustainable seafood or wildlife interactions with marine debris. The South Carolina Aquarium Citizen Science app features a collection of projects addressing these issues, supports data-based solutions to them and builds a sense of community amongst citizen scientists. Contribute to conservation projects of your choice quickly and easily from your mobile device.

Litter Journal

Remove litter from your favorite places and contribute that data to help track pollution trends in your community. The data collected is used to drive conversations, decisions and change around plastic use throughout the state.

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SeaRise Project

Capture images of flooding and erosion in your community to assist scientists and decision-makers with collaborative and community-driven solutions to sea level rise and climate change in South Carolina.

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Good Catch Seafood Survey

Visit your favorite seafood restaurants or markets and share your experience! Purchasing local, sustainable seafood is not only delicious but it supports your community, local economy and fellow fishermen and aquaculture farmers.

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Tangled in Trash: A Reporting Tool for Wildlife

Record interactions you see between wildlife and debris to assist researchers in studying pollution’s impact on our wildlife. Together, we can develop solutions to protect our beloved sea turtles and all wildlife.

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Become a Volunteer Conservation Assistant.
Attend conservation events in your area.
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