Babka | South Carolina Aquarium


Jul 15


Kemp’s Ridley (Lepidochelys kempii)

Stranding Location: Hilton Head Island, SC
Age: Juvenile
Sex: Unknown
Weight: 2.67 kg (5.89 lbs)

Case History

This juvenile Kemp’s ridley was hooked by a fisherman on the beach on Hilton Head Island. Babka ingested a large J-hook, which had metal gear still attached to the end of it which was protruding from the mouth. There was no extra monofilament attached to the end of the hook, which can sometimes make our job a little bit more difficult! Thank you to the rescuers and South Carolina Department of Natural Resources staff who transported this patient to the Aquarium!


Upon admit, we took vitals, such as respiratory and heart rates, to ensure this patient was stable before capturing a radiograph. This radiograph gave us a clear look at the position of the hook in Babka’s esophagus. Based on the location of the hook and the stability of Babka’s vitals, we decided the hook should be able to be removed without surgery. Babka was given fluids, vitamins and antibiotics before being sedated for the procedure. The hook was massive in comparison to Babka’s small stature and not deeply embedded in the esophagus. We were able to remove this particular hook in less than five minutes! After waking up from the anesthesia, Babka received pain medication and was placed in a shallow tank to recover quietly.


July 12, 2024: In the days following admit, Babka exhibited numerous healthy behaviors including defecating consistently, eating normally and swimming well in deeper water. Babka recovered from surgery in shallow water, but as her/his strength returned we began increasing the depth of the water until Babka’s tank was completely full.

August 15, 2024: This young Kemp’s ridley continues to be a model patient! S/he eats ravenously, defecates consistently, and has even finished antibiotics. We are just waiting on Babka to gain a little more weight, and then hopefully s/he can return back to the wild!

August 20, 2024: Babka was quietly released alongside five other Kemp’s ridley sea turtles at Folly Beach County Park! We are ecstatic to see that Babka was healthy enough to return home. Wish her/him the best of luck out in the big blue!