Cheyenne | South Carolina Aquarium


Jan 14


Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii)

Stranding Location: Barnstable, MA

Arrival Date: 01/14/2013

Age: juvenile

Weight: 2.68 kg (~6 lb.)

Case History

Cheyenne is one of five sea turtles transferred to the South Carolina Aquarium’s (SCA) Sea Turtle Hospital on January 14th, 2012, from the New England Aquarium (NEAq). All five turtles originally cold-stunned around Cape Cod, MA, in November and December 2012, and were initially treated by NEAq’s Marine Animal Rescue Team. This is the largest cold stunning event to occur along the New England coast. Thanks Michael Taylor, these five turtles received complimentary first-class airfare to our facility to finish their rehabilitation. This transfer not only aids NEAq by freeing up limited resources, but also will allow these five sea turtles to be released back into the wild at an earlier date.


Cheyenne arrived with a neck lesion covered in granulation tissue, and we’ve been monitoring the healing progress of this wound. Radiographs were also in order to monitor bone health, as ridleys are prone to osteomyelitis (a bone infection). So far, Cheyenne is doing well.

Release Date


Release Location

Beachwalker County Park, Kiawah, SC