Join us for the Solo Sweep Challenge | South Carolina Aquarium

Join us for the Solo Sweep Challenge

Apr 06

Join us for the Solo Sweep Challenge

Instead of going stir-crazy sitting inside, we want you to join us for the Solo Sweep Challenge during Earth Month!

What is it?
The South Carolina Aquarium is enlisting fans, followers, volunteers and corporate partners to join us on a month-long challenge to reach our goal of logging one million pieces of litter in the Litter-free Digital Journal, a project of the South Carolina Aquarium Citizen Science app. Because the novel coronavirus has disrupted our traditional community sweeps, we are transitioning our typical community model to one that takes into consideration safe social distancing practices: solo sweeps! A solo sweep is a litter sweep where social distancing is respected and the sweep is conducted either alone, or the family group you are distancing with.

Where can I do a solo sweep?
Solo sweeps can be done anywhere, keeping in mind safe social distancing practices. This could be your yard, street, neighborhood, you name it! You can make an impact anywhere in your community.

How can I participate?
Participating in the Solo Sweep Challenge is easy – we’re all in this, #alonetogether!

  1. Download the South Carolina Aquarium Citizen Science app and join the Litter-free Digital Journal project, or sign up online
  2. When you collect and log any litter during the month of April, go into the Litter-free Digital Journal project and click Add Observation
  3. Look for Events, and choose the April Solo Sweep Challenge
  4. Add your litter to the log and select Save
  5. Share on your own social media to encourage your friends to join. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #SoloSweep!
  6. Show solidarity to the cause by changing your Facebook profile picture to a “Solo Sweep” frame
  7. Share pictures of your sweeps on the Aquarium Facebook page

Looking for other ways to stay connected during our closure? Check out our online resources: