Green (Chelonia mydas)
Arrival Date: November 27, 2016 Stranding Location: Barnstable, Massachusetts Weight: 7.3 pounds Lifestage: Juvenile
Case History
Admitted to New England Aquarium on 11/21/16 as the 53rd patient, this juvenile green showed signs of possible pneumonia and was treated with fluids, vitamins and antibiotics before being flown down to the Sea Turtle Care Center for further treatment.
Here at the Sea Turtle Care Center we are providing the cold stuns with supportive care in the form of warm, well-filtered saltwater, and a nice nutritious diet.
December 10, 2016: Finn is doing well, and taking to life at the South Carolina Aquarium. We at the Sea Turtle Care Center were happy to help take care of Finn and his 11 comrades and help alleviate some of the work load for New England Aquarium – and it’s a good thing! In just three weeks, since Finn’s admission, the New England Aquarium is now up to the 400 turtle mark, making it the third busiest stranding season for them so far.
January 6, 2017: Finn enjoys all types of veggies and fish and never has issues taking his/her vitamins. S/he is often seen resting among the seaweed in the tank. Finn is gaining weight steadily and is in great body condition! You go, Finn!
February 7, 2017: Overall, Finn is doing very well and steadily gaining weight. He/she is continuing to eat all the veggies we offer including romaine, red, and green leaf lettuces, green peppers, squash, cucumber and zucchini! He/she loves to swim among the “seaweed” in his/her tank.
March 1, 2017: Finn was recently moved into a new tank and is loving the extra space! Finn was pulled for an exam, pre-release bloodwork and tagging – s/he will hopefully be cleared for release in the near future!
Release Date
March 14, 2017
Release Location
Surfside County Park in St. Augustine, Florida