It has been a busy week in the Aquarium’s Sea Turtle Hospital! Three critically ill sea turtles were admitted in only three days. Among other issues, the two loggerheads and one green sea turtle are very emaciated, dehydrated, lethargic, and have extremely poor blood work. All are receiving supportive care to include antibiotic injections, vitamin injections and a cocktail of fluids. Because the animals are so weak, they are unable to swim in a tank for more than a few hours for fear of them wearing out and drowning.
May 4, 2015: A 75-pound juvenile loggerhead was admitted in critical condition from Edisto Island. “Portia,” named after a street close to the stranding location, is responding to supportive care and has started eating small amounts of food. This is amazing news!
May 5, 2015: A 114-pound loggerhead was found floating in Price Creek between Capers and Bulls Island by a SCDNR boat captain. “Price” is in critical condition but we are seeing a slight improvement in activity level and a couple of the blood levels.
May 6, 2015: A 7-pound green sea turtle was found on the beach in Myrtle Beach and is one of the most emaciated sea turtles we have ever admitted. We are thrilled the turtle is still with us, although s/he is not out of the woods yet. This animal is so weak, we can only put him/her in water an hour at a time. This turtle has not been named yet…
Each day that these animals survive, the prognosis improves. We will be adding the cases to the hospital page very soon so you will be able to check back for updates. Thank you all for your help in rescuing and rehabilitating these animals – every sea turtle is precious to the population!