Loggerhead (Caretta Caretta)
Arrival Date: September 13th, 2016
Stranding Location: Oyster bank at Huntington Beach State Park, SC
Species: Loggerhead
Weight: ~140lbs
Life stage: Adult female
Case History

A large loggerhead sea turtle, stranded on an oyster bank at Huntington Beach State Park, was found by a kayak tour being led by
Black River Outdoors. Read the story of the turtle’s rescue
here. Once the turtle reached the shore, Terry Graham, SCDNR sea turtle transporter and member of Garden City S.C.U.T.E. nest protection team, was able to safely transport the sick turtle to the South Carolina Aquarium. The adult female loggerhead was diagnosed with debilitated turtle syndrome characterized by her emaciation, lethargy and poor bloodwork. Triage included a full physical exam with diagnostic tests and supportive care including fluid therapy, vitamins and antibiotics. After triage, the turtle was moved to the basement Sea Turtle Hospital, placed on foam pads in a shallow waterbed and monitored closely by our team. The turtle was affectionately named Anna Hyatt after “Anna Hyatt Huntington”, a prominent sculptor in the 19th Century, who left Huntington Beach State Park as her legacy.
September 19th, 2016: Within a few days of admit, Anna Hyatt has started to show progress. She has started to eat on her own and is getting a small weighed diet daily. As she improves and gains weight, we will adjust the diet accordingly. So far, she’s a big fan of mackerel and salmon! She’s also been moved from her waterbed into a tank with shallow water, and we are increasing the water depth as she gets stronger. Anna Hyatt is hanging in there!September 30, 2016: Anna Hyatt is doing well, and is still receiving antibiotics and calcium injections. Her poor bloodwork results indicate that she has been chronically ill for several months. We are hopeful that, given time, a good diet and clean water will help her continue to heal and improve. We have steadily increased her diet and the depth of the water in her tank. She has been defecating lots of crab hash, which is a good sign that she is able to digest and process food.October 9, 2016: Despite our best efforts, Anna Hyatt passed away due to complications caused by debilitated loggerhead syndrome.