Name: David Wilkins
Occupation: Curator
With the South Carolina Aquarium since: 1999
Hometown: Hattiesburg, Mississippi
When I was a kid, I wanted to be: an astronaut. I grew up watching people walk on the moon.
I work at the Aquarium because: I love freshwater fish.
My day starts with: a Diet Coke and NPR.
If I could be any fish in the Aquarium, I would be a: Warpaint Shiner, because they live in the whitewater of the Chattooga River.
The coolest gadget I use at work is: the siphon vacuum gravel cleaner; it’s satisfying to watch the dirt disappear from the tanks.
A perfect day at work for me would be: collecting fish in the mountains of South Carolina.
On the weekend I like to: go sailing, backpacking and camping.
My favorite part of my job: is collaborating with my team members to build new filtration systems.
If I could share a meal with any fish, it would be: sharks, because they eat salmon. Yum!
An animal I am passionate about is the: Robust Redhorse. The Aquarium has been working with the Robust Redhorse Conservation Committee for 14 years to increase populations following a drastic decline. As part of a 20 year propagation program, we raise Robust Redhorse fry and release them to continue the breeding cycle.
If I could share one conservation tip with you, it would be: Conserve and protect fresh water. Without fresh water, we would lose the creatures we love.