On September 23, the Island Turtle Team hosted their annual Jammin’ 4 Jammer event at The Windjammer on Isle of Palms. In 2011, members of the Island Turtle Team rescued a severely debilitated loggerhead, who would later be named Jammer due his/her stranding in front of the Windjammer. After a year of medical treatment at the Aquarium’s Sea Turtle Hospital, Jammer was released on May 18, 2012.
The Island Turtle Team has produced Jammin’ 4 Jammer annually since then to celebrate Jammer and all of the sea turtles that enter the care of the Sea Turtle Rescue Program. The event raises critical funds to help support the growth of the rescue program, and the team was proud to announce that this year was their most successful yet! They raised $20,000, and those funds will go towards the expansion of the Sea Turtle Hospital slated to break ground in fall 2016. The Aquarium would like to express sincere thanks to all of the members of the Island Turtle Team for all that they do to support us and all that helped support this wonderful fundraiser!