Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)
Stranding Location: Cape Lookout, North Carolina
Arrival Date: 11/24/2008
Age: subadult
Case History
There is a cold-stunning event in North Carolina that is causing many sea turtles to strand on the beaches. The cold weather causes water temperatures to drop quickly before sea turtles have a chance to migrate into warmer waters. Symptoms of a cold-stunned sea turtle are listless behavior, frostbite and possible pneumonia.
Slow warming to the temperature of holding pools, antibiotics to prevent pnuemonia, vitamin injections and careful monitoring.
3 December 2008: Lookout is very active and started eating about a week after being admitted. Hospital staff will be doing follow-up bloodwork on December 10.
28 February 2009: Lookout has officially been cleared for release. This sub-adult loggerhead will be released offshore in warmer waters towards the end of March. We will be sure to post release photographs!
Release Date
Release Location