McNally | South Carolina Aquarium


Dec 05


Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii)

Stranding Location: Cape Cod, MA

Arrival Date: 12/05/2012

Age: juvenile

Weight: 2 kg (~4.5 lb)

Case History

McNally is one of ten sea turtles transferred to the South Carolina Aquarium’s (SCA) Sea Turtle Hospital on December 5th, 2012, from the New England Aquarium (NEAq). All ten turtles originally cold-stunned around Cape Cod, MA, in November and December 2012, and were initially treated by NEAq’s Marine Animal Rescue Team. Thanks to the owner of Davis Air, Inc., Gary Davis and pilot Neal McCann, these 10 turtles received complimentary first-class airfare to our facility to finish their rehabilitation. This transfer not only aids NEAq by freeing up limited resources, but also will allow these ten sea turtles to be released back into the wild at an earlier date.


McNally received a thorough physical exam upon admission, along with fluids to combat dehydration associated with transport. The tips of his front flippers are a bit damaged due to his confinement in a box, but otherwise he is on the mend from his cold-stunning incident.


6 March 2013: Radiographs show minimal lysis at the tips of the digits in the front flippers, consistent with McNally’s minor injuries sustained during transport to our facility in December. Otherwise, he is healing well and has put a nice bit of weight onto his previously thin frame.

21 March 2013: McNally is the first of our cold-stunned ridleys to be cleared for release! South Carolina waters are still too cold for sea turtles, so he will likely be transported out of state for his return to the wild. Way to go, McNally!

7 April 2013: Today, McNally joined a caravan of 52 sea turtles headed to balmy Florida for a multi-facility release coordinated by the NEAq!

Release Date


Release Location

East Coast of Florida

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