We are pleased to introduce the Charleston Coffee Roasters Nutritional Care Program! More than 200 pounds of food are prepared daily for the 5,000 animals that reside at the Aquarium. Our animal care team manages and monitors the nutrient uptake of each animal to ensure optimal health and wellbeing by providing a diet of high-quality, sustainably sourced nutrients in a combination of restaurant-quality food and, as appropriate, species-specific vitamins. Charleston Coffee Roasters’ support of animal nutrition will positively impact the lives of the Aquarium’s permanent residents, as well as the treatment of sick and injured sea turtles undergoing rehabilitation in the South Carolina Aquarium Sea Turtle Care Center™.
Check out the Virtual Visit below to get an inside look into the diet of a gopher tortoise and how our staff preps salads packed with yummy nourishment and fuel, thanks to the Charleston Coffee Roasters Nutritional Care Program!
Follow us on Facebook to see live content each month featuring some of our animals and the Nutritional Care Program!
Published February 23, 2022