12 Cold Stunned Turtles Arrive at the Aquarium | South Carolina Aquarium

12 Cold Stunned Turtles Arrive at the Aquarium

Dec 01

12 Cold Stunned Turtles Arrive at the Aquarium

These aren’t the turtles you’re looking for…

Oh wait – if you’re looking for the 12 cold-stunned turtles named after Star Wars characters then yes, they are.

12 turtles, all named after Star Wars characters, arrived at the Aquarium on Sunday, November 27. Part of a large group of cold stuns, these little guys washed up on the beaches of Wellfleet Bay, Massachusetts. Volunteers from the nearby Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary helped transported the turtles to the New England Aquarium. The New England Aquarium reached out to facilities up and down the east coast, and the Aquarium stepped up to the plate!

Pilot Paul Schubert and his son, William Schubert, flew the turtles via Millennium Falcon (jk) from Boston, MA to North Charleston, and our sea turtle biologists were there to greet them. We admitted all 12 turtles: 1 loggerhead, 5 green sea turtles, and 6 Kemp’s ridley, bringing the total number of patients at the Aquarium to 19. Meet the new crew below!

“I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m here to rescue you.” Luke
“Beep Bloop Blop Bleep Boop.” R2-D2
“Coatee-cha tu yub nub!” Ewok
“Of course I’ve looked better.” C-3PO
“I love you.” Princess Leia
“I know.” Han Solo
“Patience you must have, my young Padawan.” Yoda
“The Force will be with you always.” Obi-Wan Kenobi
“…in a galaxy far, far away…” George Lucas
“That lightsaber… it belongs to me.” Kylo Ren
“We’ll figure it out. We’ll use the Force!” Finn
“Wuititui wuiwtitit wuuit, wuititutit…wut.” BB-8

If you find yourself influenced (perhaps Jedi mind tricked?) by these sweet faces, there are so many ways you can help!

Visit our Sea Turtle Care Center. Entrance fees go to the Sea Turtle Care Center.

Check out the hospital’s Amazon Wishlist. It’s constantly updated with items the hospital needs to care for the turtles.

Consider our Adopt-an-Animal program. Loggerhead sea turtle donations of $100 or more go directly into the Sea Turtle Care Center.

Buy a “Sea Turtles Are My Bag” tote in our gift shop. Proceeds from this $10 limited edition canvas tote bag also support the Sea Turtle Care Center.

So schedule your tour today, and may the force be with you!

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