Yogurt | South Carolina Aquarium


Aug 22


Kemp’s Ridley (Lepidochelys kempii)

Stranding Location: North Myrtle Beach, SC
Arrival Date: 8/3/24
Age: Juvenile
Sex: Unknown
Weight: 2.85 kg (6.28 lbs)

Case History

Like many of our patients this summer, Yogurt is a juvenile Kemp’s ridley sea turtle who was accidentally hooked by a fisherman at the Cherry Grove Pier. Pier attendants and members of the local turtle team were able to instruct the people who caught Yogurt to not cut the line. Leaving the fishing line attached to the hook is helpful in locating the hook and can help ease the removal process. Our thanks to those who transported the turtle safely to the Aquarium!


Upon arrival, Yogurt was bright, alert and responsive with strong vitals. We took radiographs to observe the positioning and size of the hook, and then evaluated bloodwork to determine if the patient was healthy enough to sedate for an oral hook removal procedure. Luckily, Yogurt’s bloodwork results looked good and the hook appeared small and in the upper esophagus, where it would be easy to access through the oral cavity. After being sedated, we were able to quickly and easily remove the hook from Yogurt’s esophagus.

Following the procedure, after making sure Yogurt was fully awake, the patient was active and was placed in a half full tank of water. Yogurt was easily taking breaths and appeared alert and calm, and so staff felt comfortable leaving her/him in the water overnight.


August 13, 2024: In the weeks following admit, Yogurt has been defecating frequently and even started eating a weighted diet. Yogurt has proven to be a picky eater, so the next step in the journey to recovery will be getting Yogurt to eat vitamins that we sneak in her/his fish!

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