
Oct 01
Apr 16

Sea Turtle 101: Species Identification

Did you know there are seven sea turtle species found in the world? Luckily for us here in South Carolina, four of the seven sea turtle species are found in our local waters: loggerhead, green, Kemp’s ridley and leatherback. Though they look alike to the untrained eye, we challenge…
Apr 08
Feb 08
Feb 08
Jan 08
Dec 08

Creative Solutions for Holiday Scraps

The holidays are filled with magic and nostalgia, and for many of us, gifts wrapped or packaged in waste. There are dozens of ways to sustainably wrap the surprises you gift to your family and friends, but what do you do with the waste from the gifts you receive?…
Dec 08

50 Years of Saving Species

Often, guests are greeted by high-pitched chirps echoing off the walls of the Great Hall. Some may assume those are synthetic sounds meant to create an immersive experience into water, wildlife and wild places. In reality, a single bird donning a bright yellow-orange beak and a head of white…
Nov 01

Getting to the Root of Native Planting

South Carolina has no shortage of eye-catching and fragrant native plants to enjoy when you’re strolling through downtown Charleston, enjoying a day on the beach or hiking in the Upstate. But did you know these native plants combat climate change, lessen the pollution of our waterways and can be…
Oct 09

Good Catch Seafood Connection

Mullet leaping from the watery depths, the hum of a fishing vessel, the perfume of the pluff mud and the swaying of saltmarsh grass… these are the sights, sounds and smells of the Lowcountry. Some may call it their vacation escape, but many of us call it home. Despite…