
Aug 17
Caretta wedges herself in the corner of the Great Ocean Tank in order to take a nap.

Ask an Expert: Caretta’s CURRENT Sleeping Arrangement

Ah... a long, leisurely nap floating in a peaceful water current. That sounds lovely... in theory. But have you ever spotted our resident sea turtle, Caretta, taking a snooze? You'll frequently find her wedged between the acrylic and the coral structures in the Great Ocean Tank in a rather…
Mar 17

Ask an Expert: The Medicinal Wonders of Honey

Honey: Tasty, sweet... and an antibiotic? It's true! Honey is not only used as a sweetener in food or for a quick snack — it also has many medicinal properties that make it ideal for healing wounds on humans and sea turtles alike! From anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties to…
May 29

We’ve Reopened! What to Expect During Your Visit

Now that we’ve reopened, the Aquarium might look a little different during your next visit. Rest assured, we’re still committed to connecting you to water, wildlife and wild places, but we’re paying particular attention on how to do it in the safest way possible. Everyone plays a part in…
May 01

The Question On Everyone’s Mind

When Will We Reopen? These are interesting times we’re facing; streets are deserted, businesses are closed, people are peeking through their windows instead of greeting each other face-to-face. It would be an understatement to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered our current way of life. Now,…
Apr 10
Vet check Nobi

Behind the Scenes with Dr. Shane

Though the Aquarium is currently closed to the public, our animal care continues behind the scenes. We’re virtually turning our walls into windows and bringing you along to shadow our staff, and hopefully teaching you a little thing or two along the way! We want to introduce you…
Apr 01

Behind the Scenes with Josh

Though the Aquarium is currently closed to the public, our animal care continues behind the scenes. We’re virtually turning our walls into windows and bringing you along to shadow our staff, and hopefully teaching you a little thing or two along the way! We want to introduce you…
Mar 20

Behind the Scenes with Shannon

Though the Aquarium is currently closed to the public, our animal care continues behind the scenes. We're virtually turning our walls into windows and bringing you along to shadow our staff, and hopefully teaching you a little thing or two along the way! We're taking you behind the scenes…
Nov 25

Words of Gratitude to our Good Catch Supporters

To the Good Catch family, As we near the holidays, we are blessed with many opportunities to break bread with our family (or chosen family), friends and neighbors. It is a time for being grateful for each other and the food before us; a time to come together to…
Oct 05

Meet You at the Trading Post!

Visit the Trading Post to trade in your finds, earn points and leave with cool natural artifacts! Learn about the natural environment when you bring in artifacts. Our education interpreters will answer questions about your finds, and you’ll accumulate points to trade for other cool natural artifacts. (Psst… if…
Oct 06

Our Hurricane & Severe Weather Plan

We at the Aquarium go to great lengths to prepare for any natural disaster. Once a tropical storm or hurricane becomes a possible threat to Charleston, our team immediately springs into action. In fact, we start preparations right when hurricane season begins. We maximize stocks of animal diets the first…